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At Overdale Infant School we use a maths mastery approach to teaching the maths curriculum across EYFS and KS1.  Our intention is to help our children to develop good 'number sense'.

We have been lucky enough to work with maths experts from the NCETM East Midland South Maths Hub.  Since 2016 we have accessed training and participated in teacher research groups.  This has allowed us to improve the depth of our subject knowledge regarding early mathematics, and in turn impacted on our teaching and provision for maths.  

When children leave our school we aim for them to

  • Have a ‘can do’ attitude, showing confidence, resilience, enjoyment and curiosity for maths.
  • Have good ‘number sense’, “a well-organised conceptual framework of number information that enables a person to understand numbers and number relationships and to solve mathematical problems” NRICH
  • To be mathematical thinkers, by noticing patterns, showing and talking about their thinking in different ways, making connections and seeing relationships, noticing what is the same and what is different?  

Pupil Voice
